Thursday 28 June 2012

Peaceful Swan

Spotted on a website today and cropped to exclude the writing and then rebalanced. Really like the tonal simplicity and serenity the image conveys.

And of course the other reason why I like this photo is because my dog does the exact same pose!


Old police phone box

I noticed this today close to my office; I must have walked past it a thousand times the course teaching me to be more observant?

Tuesday 26 June 2012

Jeremy Hunter

Lecture by Jeremy Hunter at the City and Cripplegate Camera Club - what an incredible collection of experiences. And what a brave an honest photographer.

His tribute ("archive") to the different celebrations enjoyed by societies around the world is the most amazing photography I've seen yet. Some of it beautiful, some disturbing, some captivating - all inspiring.

This lecture really brought home that the role of the photographer is a combination of artist, translator and educator. I learnt things tonight about humankind that I never would have known otherwise.

It's not enough to take an image that is visually stunning - the audience also needs to find something out.

Monday 25 June 2012

Photography Monthly July's cover winner

Envious of this month's cover winner Osteospermum by Helen Clarke taken with a macro lens: so far I have not managed to take any successful outdoors macro images yet....due to the wind or insects not keeping still. I love the simplicity and colours in this shot - the two opposing colours, yellow and purple, together - and the detail of the centre of the flower.

The published image can be found at

Osteospermum (c) Helen Clarke

and Helen Clark's website at

Hunstanton Sky (c) Ann Smith

A stunning image by Ann Smith from Kingston Camera Club taken with an infra red filter. I love the drama and tension she has captured - it reminds me of a Harry Potter scene! I am also drawn to this because I am a fan of the work by the late designer Alexander McQueen and the skull is a symbol of my other passion in life, rock music.

Hunstanton Sky (c) Ann Smith

Monday 18 June 2012


Feedback from my first assignment for the Art of Photography module was that keeping a scrapbook might be beneficial.  So I promptly bought a new book for that very purpose, which I will use, but I also thought an online version might work better.  That way if I saw an image I liked, I could source it online and upload to my blogscapbook.  Might be easier than printing and sticking.....and of course take pics with my iPad and upload on the go!